Structural styles of strike slip and low-angle transpressional/transtensional faulting

This course utilizes dry granular analog (sandbox) models to illustrate deformation associated with strike slip (wrench) faulting and low-angle transpressional and transtensional faulting. Structural geometries produced range from positive and negative “flower structures” to asymmetric “pop-ups” and grabens developed through increasing angle of bending along the main fault. The deformation sequence of models is filmed and models are gelled, sliced, and dried to produce serial sections. Fault strands can then be traced and observed along strike throughout the deformed zone to evaluate fault linkage and displacement transfer. Model results will aid in interpretation of subsurface imaging, particularly for personnel working outside of structural geology.
A variety of mechanical stratigraphies can be produced to represent combinations of brittle lithologies (sandstone and limestone) with weaker lithologies (shales and mudstones) atop a basement horizon. Pre-deformation basement topography can be varied to reproduce details of specific settings. Brittle sedimentary cover sequences will also illustrate surface-visible features such as Riedel shears associated with strike slip deformation.
Course price includes evaluation of modeling results with respect to participants’ study areas and existing subsurface constraints.